Brainscan - Outside Influence

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Brainscan - Runners Ex Machina



Brainscan – Return Of The Father

Runners: Fingers, Barger, Running Wolf, Chiqua, Mouse & Dr Rock


A wake was held at Joes for Red Hammer, Neo and Hawk where friends old a new turned up to toast the departed. Among the old friends was Mouse (Decker), Chiqua ( a Street Sam) back from Japan and among the new was Dr Rock (a mage).

A couple of days later Fingers got a call from Overwatch - they'd got a telecom number from the datachip and it was part of Renraku's confidential executive network. Having monitored the calls discovered that Aneki-sama was being returned by the Tibetans to Renraku in a week's time in Honk Kong. Aneki-sama  the CEO of Renraku had "retired" from public life just after the Arcology shutdown. Digging deeper through Renraku's systems. The discovered that Aneki-sama had been jacked into the Arcology's main Host when Deus went into operation and had had his brain fried. Normally Renraku would simply have appointed anew CEO but Aneki-sama had the kill-codes for the Arcology's AI - Deus. Numerous attempts had been made to kill Aneki-sama in Renraku's secure medical facility and to protect him they'd sent him to Tibet under the protection of one of the monasteries there. Apparently the healing prowess of the monks had made some progress and Renraku wanted Aneki-sama back. 

Overwatch wanted the Runners to intercept Aneki-sama and bring him back to them. Fingers realising that she Barger and Running Wolf were probably going to need some help, called up Chiqua, Mouse and Dr Rock to help. Overwatch agreed to provide travel documents plus expenses for the trip to Honk Kong plus a sweetener of 5000 nuyen for the new Runners. Posing as members of a Yamatetsu security squad the party go to their hotel without incident with 3 days to kill before the handover. After renting some cars and familiarising themselves with the local geography, the Runners settled in to wait.  Most of the news networks were full of the impending visit by Halley's comet and the race by several of the megacorps involved in the space program to be first to get a probe there.

Finally the call came through from Overwatch! The meet was going down in 30 minutes at Madame Kim's in the Wanchai district. Heading there at breakneck sped through the Hong Kong traffic, the Runners got there with 15 minutes to spare. Madame Kim's turned out to be a seedy simsense parlour. While Barger looked for a way round the back (there was none) Chiqua went in and posing as a customer took up position in one of the booths. Barger, on his way back had a sudden brainwave, and gathering up the others, marched boldly into the  place saying to the receptionist "We're from Renraku, where is Aneki-sama". The receptionist meekly pointed to the back door. Outside in what should have been a dirty concrete yard but rather looked like the contemplative garden from a Tibetan monastery, two monks stood guarding a third man. After a brief exchange in Chinese with Chiqua and Barger they handed over Aneki-sama.
The party then prepared to leave, however as Chiqua opened the door she spotted another party arriving one of whom she recognised from her time with the corp as Huang a senior Renraku executive. At the same time Huang and his team spotted her and his Red Samurai began to fan out taking up positions in the corridor. Chiqua briefly tried negotiating with the Renraku goons but it wasn't long before bullets started to fly. Pinned down and dodging the bullets, Chiqua was thinking things couldn't get much worse, when of course they did as a group of Blue Banded joined the party! As the Red Samurai and the Blues traded bullets and grenades the Runners were forgotten temporarily. This gave them a chance to try and find a way through the illusionary temple garden. While Dr Rock and Barger attempted to locate the walls of the back yard and hopefully an exit, Fingers went astral to keep an eye on the war zone at the front of the shop. Mouse and Running Wolf tried to keep Aneki-sama calm as he was becoming agitated with all the noise and new people. Chiqua monitored the doorway taking occasional pot-shots at the Banded.

Eventually Dr Rock found a doorway and hustling through found himself in the kitchen on a noodle parlour! One by one the other runners followed Chiqua laying down a suppressing fire in case any of the Banded or Samurai were able to follow. Once out in the street the Runners pondered their next move. I was probably too hot to go back to the Hilton as the rental cars they'd left out the front could be traced to their fake i.d.'s. Hailing a cab they drove around the city for a while, until Barger remembered that the Yellow Lotus Triad owed them a favour. Putting in a call, they were told to go to Huang's Emporium in Wanchai at 8 that evening.   At Huang's they were bundled into the back of a laundry van, and into a sampan in the harbour and taken to the mainland.


Once on the mainland they were taken  by (military) truck to Beijing and put on a flight to Seattle.





Friends:   Overwatch, Yellow Lotus Triad


Foes:   Deus, Renraku


World events: Probe Race begins to be first to get a probe to the approaching Halley’s comet